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Exceptions to Automatic Enrollment

Certain customer groups identified by the Distribution Utility (Eversource, Liberty, NHEC or Unitil) will NOT be automatically enrolled in Community Power. These groups include:

  • Customers buying electricity from a third-party supplier.

  • Net metering, group net metering, and time-of-day pilot net metering customers

For New Hampshire Electric Co-op Customers (NHEC)

  • Customers on certain optional service rates including electric vehicle and time-of-day rates

  • Primary Ski Service customers

  • Unmetered outdoor lighting service accounts


For Eversource Customers

  • Large General Service, Backup Service, and Commercial & Industrial electric vehicle charging station customers (Rate Classes LG, B EV-2).


For Liberty Customers

  • Customers on a three-part Time-of-Use rate (Rate Classes D11, D12, EV, EV-M and EV-L customers).


For Unitil Customers

  • Large General Service customers (Class G1 and TOU-EV-G1)

  • Customers on three-part Time-of-use rates (Rate Class D11, D12, EV, EV-M and EV-L customers)

If one of these exceptions applies to you, contact us to discuss your options or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to learn more.

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